

Monaco-based Imperial operated one of the most sophisticated and expert superyacht brokerages in the world. Spanning every service required from sales, construction, management and chartering.

The Imperial corporate identity conveys the bold, confident and robust operational exactitude of the Imperial brand. As the name implies, the company normally operates at the highest levels with a formidable spread of clients and vessels under design, construction and management. The mono colour palette and procedural 'dots' augment a reliable efficiency.


Nous were tasked with designing and building the industry's leading website for Imperial, with a sophisticated depth of functionality unprecedented in the sector. With exceptional photography and video supplied by the company, it was possible to our best work designing and building a signature website featuring the very best of functionality, UX, features and aesthetics.

Charter Directory

The Charter Directory was a bespoke, high quality publication by Nous summarising much of the website content. It aided the sourcing of vessels and planning of voyages with extraordinary detail. Using the Directory, vessels could be chosen and destinations and routes could be planned from scratch leaving no variables out of the planning.


Advertising for Imperial included online and print, from magazines to programme inclusions, Boat Show exhibition displays to airport hoardings. The full spectrum was handled by Nous.

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